Your AAP Donations Foster Healthy Development Among Young Children

Those early years for children are so crucial. New and well-crafted programs that help children develop to their maximum potential mean so much—for the child as they grow and the families that take care of them. Your AAP donations are paving the way for pediatricians to improve their influence on early childhood development.

AAP Early Childhood Chapter Champions is an initiative of the American Academy of Pediatrics to expand the involvement of early childhood advocates and leaders throughout the AAP networks. This Friends of Children-funded special training focuses on recruiting new early childhood chapter champions and building advocacy and media relation skills for all champions.

Topical trainings focus on early childhood development issues, promoting social-emotional development as well as early literacy immersion. This program supports valued community services such as childcare, preschool, home visiting, and parenting programs.

The training events include an Early Childhood Inspirational Speaker Series with case examples and discussion, Early Childhood advocacy ECHO, and an opportunity to inform the Council on Early Childhood strategic planning process.

“Friends of Children funds support the work we do as AAP Early Childhood Champions," says Dr. Amy Shriver, ECCC Iowa AAP. "Meeting together to share ideas and set goals is critical to our child advocacy work. I'm so grateful to the Friends of Children for the opportunity to learn from early childhood champions across the country to promote early childhood and family well-being."

Donations through the AAP Friends of Children Fund provide essential support for AAP Chapter Early Childhood Champions Training and programs like it. Your generosity allows the roster of early childhood advocates to grow. That means a better future for kids.

Thank you for all that you do. Your generous gift improves the lives of the children we serve.

Did you know your giving options are as endless as your generosity? Please contact Jill Taylor at 630/626-6033 or to learn how you can create a healthier future for children through a gift in your estate plan today.